
Children's Ministry

“Train up a child the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

We believe that tomorrow’s church leaders are in children’s ministry today. We love to teach them about Jesus. Our ministry consists of 2-year-olds up to 6th grade. 7th -12th grades are part of our youth ministry. They will experience the love of God through music, games, crafts, and most importantly through God’s word in the Bible. We will teach them how to use their Bible, where and how to find verses, as well as learning scripture. We will teach in a way so they learn how to apply lessons to their everyday lives in a way they can understand. We also firmly believe in bringing families closer together, therefore, we try and have several family outings throughout the year so follow our MBC Kids/Youth Facebook page for any upcoming events.

If you have any questions or would like to be involved in our Children’s Ministry, please contact our Children’s Director at or call the church office at 903-777-4353

Breaking Bread With Jesus

Who: Girls 3yo - 12th grade + moms and friends

What: Great fellowship, cooking demonstrations, lots of fun!

When: Friday, May 19th from 6pm - 9pm

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